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Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to La La Land

This is my first blog...ever.  Unless you count Myspace, which I don't (and let's face it, neither do you).  I'm in that fun place in my life when I'm too old to fall back on parents and too young to be taken seriously.  I'm 25, currently unemployed, a college graduate, and I have no idea what my life will be like in 5 months, much less 5 years.  If you're wondering, I'm not unemployed due to laziness or lack of skills.  At my last job, which ended 4 days ago, my boss called me unmotivated and not dedicated to the company.  I can't blame her.  I wasn't motivated and couldn't bring myself to care about a job that was just that...a job.  Not a career, not a life-long dream, not even a place I wanted to wake up in the morning and go to every day.  I'm an English major (which means I realize my last sentence wasn't even a real sentence and I wrote it that way anyways) and there aren't a lot of job opportunities for a writer/editor looking to break into the business.  That is why I decided to start this blog.  As one of my teachers once said, "Writers write," and I haven't been doing a lot of writing lately.  I don't count resumes and job applications.

On a personal note, I live with my boyfriend of nearly 5 years and our 2 dogs, both German Shepherd mixes.  I love my little family.  I love the house we just rented 6 months ago.  I love the little town we moved to so my boyfriend could attend the motorcycle mechanic school he hasn't started yet.  And, there are some days I just want to pull out my hair because I hate feeling lost in life.  If there was a road map for getting from just hanging on to happily ever after I would have bought it, jumped in the car, and followed it a long time ago.  But, there isn't such a map.  It's hard enough to find an on-ramp or exit sign...even the food stops are few and far between.

As a note of caution for those who actually plan on reading this...keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times; this may be a bumpy road.  Welcome to my life, welcome to La La Land


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